Yesterday I gave a two-hour talk at Lambda Lounge Kraków on Pedestal (and some ClojureScript).
I talked only about the client side, and in that mostly about the dataflow engine and how it connects to rendering and services. We also had some unplanned discussion on testing.
Most of the talk was actually a tutorial, developing a basic monitoring application in a few steps. It probably doesn’t add much over the tutorial, but hopefully it was a faster introduction.
If you’re interested in resources:
- The slide deck is here,
- … the app, ready to run in your browser, is here
- … and finally the code is here. There are stage1..10 tags corresponding to stages in slides.
Now that I’m on the Internet, I guess I have to explain myself. Yes, I am aware that there are better ways than that jQuery, that I could have created a library for time series, and that it would not run after advanced Closure compilation. It’s not even a perfect Pedestal app. But I think it did the job of explaining the concepts behind Pedestal without drowning the audience in details, using basic pieces that everyone was familiar with. Let’s say that I left ironing out the wrinkles as an exercise.
Despite my lack of experience from my point of view it went fairly well. Always an interesting experience. If you’ve been there, feel free to tell me what you think.