Tag Archives: AngularJS

“Mastering AngularJS Directives” (Book Review)

Unlike many general introduction books, “Mastering AngularJS Directives” by Josh Kurz takes a much more specialized approach. It assumes you know AngularJS fairly well and explores just one (but arguably the most complex) of its corners: directives.

It’s not a thick book and the table of contents looks just right: Basic introduction to directives, a simple example, and then digging deeper into integration of third party libraries, compilation, communication between directives, writing directives to watch live data for changes, and finally some optimization and code quality notes.

Unfortunately, the book is rather poorly written. It is confusing even to someone who has been using AngularJS profesionally for over 1.5 years. The explanations tend to be short and often miss the point. You may see a difficult issue brought up, followed by a listing over 2 pages long, and finally left with unsatisfactory explanation of how it works or why you would do it this way. In some ways it just lacks focus.

There are some substantive errors too – calling JS objects “JSON notation”, mentioning singletons giving you a new instance every time etc.

That said, even though it is a difficult read, it is not without value. I learned quite a few things myself, some of them mentioned directly and some between the lines. It’s one of the first attempts at thorough introduction to directives and it still may come in handy at times.

The bottom line – I am not sure if I would recommend it to a friend. I liked ?Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS? by Paweł Kozłowski and Peter Darwin a lot better, and even though it’s not dedicated to directives it does better job at explaining them.

Direct Server HTTP Calls in Protractor

When you’re running end-to-end tests, chances are that sometimes you need to set up the system before running the actual test code. It can involve cleaning up after previous executions, going through some data setup “wizard” or just calling the raw server API directly. Here’s how you can do it with Protractor.

Protractor is a slick piece of technology that makes end-to-end testing pretty enjoyable. It wires together Node, Selenium (via WebDriverJS) and Jasmine, and on top of that it provides some very useful extensions for testing Angular apps and improving areas where Selenium and Jasmine are lacking.

To make this concrete, let’s say that we want to execute two calls to the server before interacting with the application. One of them removes everything from database, another kicks off a procedure that fills it with some well-known initial state. Let’s write some naive code for it.

Using an HTTP Client

var request = require('request');

describe("Sample test", function() {
    beforeEach(function() {
        var jar = request.jar();
        var req = request.defaults({
            jar : jar

        function post(url, params) {
            console.log("Calling", url);
            req.post(browser.baseUrl + url, params, function(error, message) {
                console.log("Done call to", url);

        function purge() {
            post('api/v1/setup/purge', {
                qs : {
                    key : browser.params.purgeSecret

        function setupCommon() {

    it("should do something", function() {

Since we’re running on Node, we can (and will) use its libraries in our tests. Here I’m using request, a popular HTTP client with the right level of abstraction, built-in support for cookies etc. I don’t need cookies for this test case – but in real life you often do (e.g. log in as some admin user to interact with the API), so I left that in.

What we want to achieve is running the “purge” call first, then the data setup, then move on to the actual test case. However, in this shape it doesn’t work. When I run the tests, I get:

Starting selenium standalone server...
Selenium standalone server started at
Calling api/v1/setup/purge
Calling api/v1/setup/test

Finished in 0.063 seconds
1 test, 1 assertion, 0 failures

Done call to api/v1/setup/purge
Done call to api/v1/setup/test
Shutting down selenium standalone server.

It’s all wrong! First it starts the “purge”, then it starts the data setup without waiting for purge to complete, then it runs the test (the little dot in the middle), and the server calls finish some time later.

Making It Sequential

Well, that one was easy – the HTTP is client is asynchronous, so that was to be expected. That’s nothing new, and finding a useful synchronous HTTP client on Node isn’t that easy. We don’t need to do that anyway.

One way to make this sequential is to use callbacks. Call purge, then data setup in its callback, then the actual test code in its callback. Luckily, we don’t need to visit the callback hell either.

The answer is promises. WebDriverJS has nice built-in support for promises. It also has the concept of control flows. The idea is that you can register functions that return promises on the control flow, and the driver will take care of chaining them together.

Finally, on top of that Protractor bridges the gap to Jasmine. It patches the assertions to “understand” promises and plugs them in to the control flow.

Here’s how we can improve our code:

var request = require('request');

describe("Sample test", function() {
    beforeEach(function() {
        var jar = request.jar();
        var req = request.defaults({
            jar : jar
        function post(url, params) {
            var defer = protractor.promise.defer();
            console.log("Calling", url);
            req.post(browser.baseUrl + url, params, function(error, message) {
                console.log("Done call to", url);
                if (error || message.statusCode >= 400) {
                        error : error,
                        message : message
                } else {
            return defer.promise;

        function purge() {
            return post('api/v1/setup/purge', {
                qs : {
                    key : browser.params.purgeSecret

        function setupCommon() {
            return post('api/v1/setup/test');
        var flow = protractor.promise.controlFlow();

    it("should do something", function() {

Now the post function is a bit more complicated. First it initializes a deferred object. Then it kicks off the request to server, providing it with callback to fulfill or reject the promise on the deferred. Eventually it returns the promise. Note that now purge and setupCommon now return promises.

Finally, instead of calling those functions directly, we get access to the control flow and push those two promise-returning functions onto it.

When executed, it prints:

Starting selenium standalone server...
Selenium standalone server started at
Calling api/v1/setup/purge
Done call to api/v1/setup/purge
Calling api/v1/setup/test
Done call to api/v1/setup/test

Finished in 1.018 seconds
1 test, 1 assertion, 0 failures

Shutting down selenium standalone server.

Ta-da! Purge, then setup, then run the test (again, that little lonely dot).

One more thing worth noting here is that control flow not only takes care of executing the promises in sequence, but also it understands the promises enough to crash the test as soon as any of the promises is rejected. Once again, something that would be quite messy if you wanted to achieve it with callbacks.

In real life you would put that HTTP client wrapper in a separate module and just use it wherever you need. Let’s leave that out as an exercise.

“Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS” (Book Review)

While the first demos and tutorials of AngularJS make very good impression, using it on your own in real life applications quickly leads to confusion and frustration. You soon discover that the documentation falls short of explaining what really is going on, especially in the more advanced areas. It does not do a very good job at showing idiomatic usage either – with proper separation of responsibilities, use of services and directives, etc.

“Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS” by Paweł Kozłowski and Peter Darwin is really good resource to fill those gaps. It starts with a decent explanation of what AngularJS is all about. How DOM is some kind of a skeleton behind the application, or in other words how application state is directly reflected in DOM. Right after this introduction it introduces unit testing, and from this point on everything is demonstrated not only with the “production” code, but also with accompanying test suites.

Then it starts to dig a bit deeper – from filters, communcation with back-end and navigation through writing custom directives and performance. While the beginning seems to be a bit slow, the chapters on directives are really detailed, have plenty of great examples and do an outstanding job at explaining this difficult subject. Actually, I would say that the whole book may be a bit too advanced for beginners, but then even if you have some experience with Angular, it is well worth reading for the directives alone.

The entire book is organized as a systematic “reference”, with each chapter dedicated to one aspect of the framework: Binding and filters, communication with server, forms, navigation and routing, directives, internationalization, build/deployment, and so on. There also is a complete non-trivial application available on Github, and referenced throughout the book. Each and every aspect has a very accessible and complete explanation. Theory and rationale, working code as well as test suites.

In other words, the book is not a simplistic tutorial, but a detailed study that takes a reasonably complex application and dissects it one “dimension” at a time. You don’t need to study the entire application while reading the book, but it’s a great complementary material that demonstrates how the pieces fit together and is a ready-to-use cookbook of some sort.

If there is anything missing, I would say it’s information on idiomatic usage: How you are supposed to structure your application, divide it into modules and services, and so on. Not that it’s completely missing from the book, but a bit of a bird’s-eye view would be nice as well.

All in all, it’s definitely worth reading. Detailed, non-trivial, doing a great job at explaining the “why’ and demonstrating the “how”.

(I got the book directly from Packt and read it on Kindle – nothing to complain about in this edition, everything readable and comprehensible.)

Angular Tutorial Rewritten to ClojureScript

Over the last few months I learned some more ClojureScript and I finally came back to Angular. First I followed their excellent tutorial. Then I decided to rewrite it to plain Clojure and ClojureScript, and it went pretty well.

I made one change on the go – rather than load JSON files directly from disk, it talks to a Ring-provided service.

Raw files are below:

All code is available at GitHub.

It’s almost a one-to-one rewrite from JavaScript. Compared to the original, it is pretty ugly – for two reasons. The first is that I wanted it to work with advanced Closure compiler, so I had to use explicit dependencies. The second is that there is a lot JavaScript interop.

Many of those issues can be mitigated with a glue layer. It is possible to write functions or macros that would automatically generate array syntax for functions with injected dependencies, create functions automatically converting arguments with clj->js, and provide a better replacement for $scope.property = function(...){...}.

I may do that later, but firstly I wanted to have a one-to-one replacement.