All posts by Konrad Garus

Angular Tutorial Rewritten to ClojureScript

Over the last few months I learned some more ClojureScript and I finally came back to Angular. First I followed their excellent tutorial. Then I decided to rewrite it to plain Clojure and ClojureScript, and it went pretty well.

I made one change on the go – rather than load JSON files directly from disk, it talks to a Ring-provided service.

Raw files are below:

All code is available at GitHub.

It’s almost a one-to-one rewrite from JavaScript. Compared to the original, it is pretty ugly – for two reasons. The first is that I wanted it to work with advanced Closure compiler, so I had to use explicit dependencies. The second is that there is a lot JavaScript interop.

Many of those issues can be mitigated with a glue layer. It is possible to write functions or macros that would automatically generate array syntax for functions with injected dependencies, create functions automatically converting arguments with clj->js, and provide a better replacement for $ = function(...){...}.

I may do that later, but firstly I wanted to have a one-to-one replacement.

ClojureScript Does Not (Always) Need Painkiller

A few weeks ago I shared my confusion about writing object-oriented ClojureScript and a little library called cljs-painkiller. Thanks to the awesome Clojure / ClojureScript community I soon learned much better ways to do it.

Painkiller Example

I complained that I had to write ClojureScript that looks like this:

(defn Bag []
  (this-as this
           (set! (.-store this) (array))
(set! (.. Bag -prototype -add)
      (fn [val]
        (this-as this
                 (.push (.-store this) val))))
(set! (.. Bag -prototype -print)
      (fn []
        (this-as this
                 (.log js/console (.-store this)))))
(def mybag (Bag.))
(.add mybag 5)
(.add mybag 7)
(.print mybag)

Wrong! Soon after that article appeared on DZone, David Nolen (@swannodette) showed me a few snippets in plain ClojureScript that do the same thing:

(deftype Bag [store]
  (add [_ x] (.push store x))
  (print [_] (.log js/console store)))

(defn bag [arr] (Bag. arr))
(defn bag [store]
    (add [this x] (.push store x))
    (print [this x] (.log js/console store))))

Much better, isn’t it? And it compiles to fairly idiomatic, interoperable JavaScript, not some higher-level magic.

I am in two minds about the need to expose store like this. One one hand, it makes all the mutable things explicit. On the other, it means you’re exposing much “private” stuff to the consumer, even requiring it from him. To deal with that, you can hide array creation in constructor function:

(defn bag [] (Bag. (array)))
(defn bag []
  (let [store (array)]
      (add [this x] (.push store x))
      (print [this x] (.log js/console store)))))

Backbone Example Revisited

When I was just starting with ClojureScript, I shared an example with Backbone integration. Then I complained it was downright unusable with any less trivial Backbone code.

Here’s what my sample looked like:

(def MyModel
  (.extend Backbone.Model
      (fn []
        (let [ css-color (js/prompt "Please enter a CSS color:")]
          (this-as this
                   (.set this (js-obj "color" css-color))))))))
(def my-model (MyModel.))

It turns out it can be rewritten to:

(def MyModel
  (.extend Backbone.Model 
    (reify Object
      (promptColor [this] 
        (let [ css-color (js/prompt "Please enter a CSS color:")]
          (.set this (js-obj "color" css-color)))))))

(def my-model (MyModel.))

Much noise gone. It seems that such reify call is the way to go in this case.


I love being proven wrong by the community, and clearly there are better ways to do it than I thought initially. Actually, when I started my adventure with ClojureScript I was quarreling with the compiler – now I finally am beginning to know what I’m doing.

ClojureScript requires some ceremony around object creation, separating behavior from state and its initialization. In some contexts it is too restrictive, in some it’s just fine.

My last example is the Knockout spike where I had JavaScript like this:

function AppViewModel() {
    this.firstName = ko.observable("Bert");
    this.lastName = ko.observable("Bertington");
    this.fullName = ko.computed(function() {
        return this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName();
    }, this);
    this.capitalizeLastName = function() {
        var currentVal = this.lastName();
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());

To those unfamiliar with Knockout, firstName etc. are methods. Particularly interesting methods are fullName and capitalizeLastName. Here we have method created by call to ko.computed, wrapping a function that references other methods of this object. Not so bad in an OO language…

… but in ClojureScript apparently the best you can do is what I did back when I was getting started:

(def my-model
    "firstName" (.observable js/ko "Bert")
    "lastName" (.observable js/ko "Bertington")
    "fullName" (this-as this (.computed js/ko 
                 (fn []  this (.firstName this)), this))))

(.applyBindings js/ko my-model)

I don’t like this at all. This is where I think macros are really necessary. Could be the painkiller, or some special macros just for Knockout integration.

ClojureScript does not always need painkiller, but as your code gets more interesting macroing your way out may be inevitable. I guess you don’t always need to write such OO code, but when you do – be ware.

“Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests” (Book Review)

“Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests” by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce has been on my to-read list ever since I saw Steve at 33rd Degree 2011. Even though I did not really like the presentations, somehow I became intrigued enough.

The first two parts of the book explain what object-oriented programming and test-driven-development are. It explains the “tell, don’t ask”, encapsulation and information hiding, some pieces of design and architecture (ports and adapters). It contains a short explanation of what TDD is (the basic 3-phase cycle known to everyone) and extends it beyond unit tests, up to blackbox integration tests.

The third part is a long case study – writing a real, nontrivial application with Swing GUI, XMPP and interesting domain. The study is pretty long, and even though I’m not a fan of them this one is just perfect. It’s very easy to follow, taking small well-explained steps. It’s a rich and very practical example of TDD walking hands in hands with elegant object-oriented design.

The fourth part is a long and interesting catalog of “test smells” – shows the links between test complexity and readability and quality of covered production code; tells how to write elegant, useful tests and assertions; gives advice on how to write tests that won’t be too constraining in future; and more. The last part explores some practical sides of testing in multithreaded environment and around persistence.

I loved the book! It’s an awesome piece of work that covers so many topics in such a clear, deep and interesting way that I would call it a must read for everyone. It’s a great book on testing, but not just that. It shows where testing fits in the software development process and explains the very important link to object-oriented design. It’s full of small, hidden gems (not only about software testing itself) that I will remember for a long time. At the same time it’s also very practical, pragmatic and concise.

I think it has much to offer to people of any skill level (perhaps except for novice). Even though I have been doing OOP and TDD for years, I really enjoyed it and I believe I learned much new stuff.

If you haven’t done so yet, do yourself a favor and go read it now!

ClojureScript Painkiller (for OOP)

When I learned and used ClojureScript, I really hated writing code that looks like this:

(defn Bag []
  (this-as this
           (set! (.-store this) (array))

(set! (.. Bag -prototype -add)
      (fn [val]
        (this-as this
                 (.push (.-store this) val))))

(set! (.. Bag -prototype -print)
      (fn []
        (this-as this
                 (.log js/console (.-store this)))))

(def mybag (Bag.))
(.add mybag 5)
(.add mybag 7)
(.print mybag)

That’s so much ceremony and repeated waste!

I know it’s not how you’re supposed to write ClojureScript, but sometimes you have to (for example when working with OO libraries).

What do you do with such code? Cover it with macros!

So I wrote two little macros that you can just pick up and use right away in your ClojureScript, so that it can look like:

(defn Bag []
  (this-as this
           (set! (.-store this) (array))

(set-obj-fn Bag.prototype.add [val]
            (.push (.-store this) val))

(set-obj-fn Bag.prototype.print [val]
            (.log js/console (.-store this)))

Or just a this-as shortcut:

(set! (.. Bag -prototype -add)
      (obj-fn [val]
        (.push (.-store this) val)))

Source with complete sample is on github. The library is on Clojars, so to use it all you need is [cljs-painkiller "0.1.0"] in your project.cljs. Enjoy!

Get Started with ClojureScript with Leiningen Templates

When I was about to get started with ClojureScript, I was discouraged by the fact that I apparently had to figure out so much before getting a trivial project up and running.

Eventually I learned, built and showed a minimal application running with just Leiningen and Ring, and a little bit of jQuery in ClojureScript.

Some time later Kyle Cordes showed me cljs-template. It’s a Leiningen template created by Chris Granger, also known as the guy behind Noir and Light Table. That was quite fun. All you need to get a project up and running is:

lein new cljs-template my-project
cd my-project
lein run

That’s it, you’re now running a Noir application with ClojureScript in client (jQuery included). You can start hacking at the CLJS source and see changes in browser immediately.

I soon discovered that it was a few months old, using Clojure 1.3, dated build of ClojureScript and pretty much everything. Eventually (thanks to Kyle and Raynes) I got push access to the project and updated everything, so it should be in even better shape now.

I am not sure where cljs-template is going though, with Noir itself going away. I also found one bit missing: That template is awesome to get up and running and show off a demo, but you would still need to do some manual plumbing to make such a project work for a real application (with leiningen hooks on compilation etc.).

That’s why I created another template: cljs-kickoff. Like my first steps, it’s really minimal: just Ring, lein-cljsbuild and ClojureScript. Fewer files, fewer dependencies, very easy to grasp.

To kick it off, just run:

lein new cljs-kickoff my-project
cd my-project
lein run

It will compile the ClojureScript file included in the project and start Ring server with it.

In another shell, you can run:

lein cljsbuild auto

This will start lein-cljsbuild in the auto-compile mode. Whenever the CLJS source changes, it will be automatically recompiled and the running application will pick it up after reload.

Compared to cljs-template, this template is much smaller and only uses very basic, popular and mature pieces (just Ring and CLJS). It also has all the “real” Leiningen hooks in place: CLJS compilation is included in lein run, lein jar and lein uberjar.

I hope it all makes someone’s life easier by making the first step on CLJS path as easy as possible. Happy hacking!

“ClojureScript Up and Running” (Book Review)

I’ve recently finished the “ClojureScript Up and Running” book by Stuart Sierra and Luke VanderHart. Here’s a quick review of it.

It opens with a quick introduction which attempts to present ClojureScript as the alternative to (or a matured “version” of) JavaScript. Then it immediately dives into gory technical details:

  • It shows how to set up a Leiningen project with lein-cljsbuild and explains the compilation process in detail (with all the possible parameters and modes).
  • It explains the development process – getting ClojureScript, working with browser REPL, testing, packaging for use with CLJS and plain JS applications.
  • It gives a basic introduction to the language, which really is a head-first guide to Clojure (though I suspect it’s far from enough for people who don’t know Clojure, and for those who do know it it’s no use).
  • It explains integration with JavaScript, but mostly on the level of Google Closure – exporting functions and namespaces for the world outside, or using external libraries with Closure advanced compilation.
  • It explains integration with Clojure, especially using EDN as an alternative to JSON.
  • It also introduces a few CLJS libraries (little code, just an idea of what a library does). Among others it includes C2, jayq, enfocus, core.logic, domina. Google Closure is on the list as well.

    There are many things I missed, though.

    First and foremost, it does not do enough to explain why we need ClojureScript. It does not really try to convince anyone, it’s pretty much a very technical “up and running” guide.

    It does not tell you how to write ClojureScript code. The explanation of setup, compilation and integration is great, but that’s all there is. Actually, there’s little about ClojureScript itself in the book. It’s like (unconvincingly) telling you that Java is the more robust and productive alternative to C++, showing how to use javac and Eclipse, “Hello World”, and a brief indication that there’s also JEE and Swing and this and that. I wish it had some case studies, chunks of actual ClojureScript code, some discussion of architecture, patterns, sample applications…

    One more thing I did not like is that it apparently ignores the JavaScript world (except for Google Closure). There are many rich and mature JavaScript libraries out there that solve many problems, and this book has not a word on the common ways to integrate them. I spent a good while experimenting with CLJS with Backbone, Knockout, Angular and jQuery, and it’s quite a difficult, frustrating task. I know I can write a CLJS library to do the same things that Knockout does, but I would prefer to learn how to integrate the existing library with my CLJS application to solve a real problem, or be introduced to a pure CLJS alternative that someone has already created.

    Perhaps it reflects the current state of ClojureScript – not yet very mature or stable, without mature and established libraries, patterns.

    All in all, I have mixed feelings. The book is very dense and concrete, and delivers much content on so few pages. It’s true to its title – gets you up and running, and does it very well. But then immediately leaves you alone in the woods. We are yet to see “The ClojureScript Book”.

JS Routing: Sammy vs. Flatiron Director

Having little knowledge about client-side routing in JavaScript, I decided to compare two frameworks: Sammy.js and Flatiron Director.


I’ll do the comparison on a very simple application (loosely based on a sample from Flatiron). The features I’d like to use are:

  • Routing: Routing based on hash URLs like app#/author.
  • Routing with params: Getting parameters from URLs like ?15? from app#/books/15.
  • Multiple bindings: Performing more than one action for a route (in a real app it could be routing and loading some data).
  • Default routes: Plugging in a ?default? route for all unmatched paths.
  • Listeners: Plugging in a listener – some special action to execute in addition to routing on all paths.


Flatiron Director

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Flatiron Director Sample</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    var author = function () { console.log("author"); };
    var books = function () { console.log("books"); };
    var viewBook = function(bookId) { 
      console.log("viewBook: bookId is populated: " + bookId); 
    var wildcard = function(route) { 
      console.log("Wildcard at: " + route);
    var listener = function() { 
      console.log("Listener at: " + window.location); 

    var routes = {
      '/author': author,
      '/books': [books, function() { console.log("An inline route handler."); }],
      '/books/view/:bookId': viewBook,
      '/:def': wildcard

    var router = Router(routes);
    router.configure({ on: listener });
      <li><a href="#/author">#/author</a></li>
      <li><a href="#/books">#/books</a></li>
      <li><a href="#/books/view/1">#/books/view/1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#/other">#/other</a></li>


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Sammy Sample</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    $(function() {
      var author = function () { console.log("author"); };
      var books = function () { console.log("books"); };
      var viewBook = function(bookId) { 
        console.log("viewBook: bookId is populated: " + bookId); 
      var wildcard = function() { 
        console.log("Wildcard at: " + this.params['route']);
      var listener = function() { 
        console.log("Listener at: " + this.params['path']);

      $.sammy("#main", function() {
        this.get('#author', author);
        this.get('#books', books);
        this.get('#books/view/:id', function() {
          console.log("An inline route handler.");
        this.get('#:route', wildcard);
        this.bind('run-route', listener);
  <body id="main">
      <li><a href="#author">#author</a></li>
      <li><a href="#books">#books</a></li>
      <li><a href="#books/view/1">#books/view/1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#other">#other</a></li>


So what do I think about them?

Director seems to be fairly lightweight and simple. It has no dependencies and weighs 3.7 kB. It?s almost functional programming (except for the moment when you turn it on) – you can immediately see what?s going on and what the options are.

In comparison, Sammy.js is much heavier. It depends on jQuery (32.7 kB) and it weighs 6.5 kB. It makes more assumptions: Your code needs to run after page is loaded (that?s why it?s wrapped in $.ready here). It makes you write OO code – functions have no arguments, but you get more information exposed on this.

Director supports plugging in multiple handlers to a route out of the box (you can pass an array of functions). In Sammy apparently you need to wrap them in another function.

For some reason Director seems to require URLs to have a slash, like app#/books – never app#books. Sammy does not care.

The rest you can see for yourself in the code above.


Sammy makes me download more code, all the time I need to read documentation (“So what parameters are available here?”, “What does this object hide?”), and in the end it even makes me write more code. Look at the parameterized viewBook handler: With Director, I can add the parameter to handler function and it just works. With Sammy I need to get it from this.

At this point I have strong preference for the Director. It’s smaller and much easier to use. I like that even more because I can directly use it from ClojureScript with minimal friction. It would take quite an effort to integrate Sammy.

Using Angular.js with ClojureScript

When I wrote my last post on ClojureScript, I was really hoping someone would jump in and say: “You’re doing it wrong! Here’s how.”

I did get some interesting replies, especially on HackerNews (where that post was briefly on the front page). There really seem to be two camps here: Newbies as confused as I am, and pros who say you just have to invest the time and learn, then you may be able to make good use of some of existing JS frameworks or (better?) roll your own ClojureScript frameworks. They say it’s worth it once your codebase is big enough.

Getting Angular to Work

Anyway, Greg Weber here on my blog noted that you can actually use Angular with Closure – just need to use explicit dependency injection. So far Angular seemed to require the least work with CLJS, so I was happy to give it another shot. I also found this note on minification in Angular docs very helpful.

In the end I’ve successfully rewritten the “todo” sample application. Here’s one way to do it:

(defn add-todo [scope]
  (fn []
    (.push (.-todos scope) (js-obj "text" (.-todoText scope) "done" false))
    (aset scope "todoText" "")))

(defn remaining [scope]
  (fn [] 
    (count (filter #(not (.-done %)) (.-todos scope)))))

(defn archive [scope]
  (fn []
    (let [arr (into-array (filter #(not (.-done %)) (.-todos scope)))]
      (aset scope "todos" arr  ))))

(defn CTodoCtrl [$scope]
  (def $scope.todos (array (js-obj "text" "learn angular" "done" true)))
  (def $scope.addTodo (add-todo $scope))

  (def $scope.remaining (remaining $scope))

  (def $scope.archive (archive $scope))) 

(def TodoCtrl

The last 4 lines are equivalent of using this array syntax in JavaScript:

TodoCtrl = ['$scope', CTodoCtrl];

Another way to do it is setting the $inject property, like this:

(def TodoCtrl CTodoCtrl)
(aset TodoCtrl "$inject" (array "$scope"))

As usually, complete working project can be found at my GitHub repository.

Implementation Details

Function definition

In the above example I’m defining functions on CTodoCtrl by using “factory functions”. I find this slightly more readable, but it also can be done with in-place definitions like this:

(aset $scope "remaining" 
        (fn []
          (count (filter #(not (.-done %)) (.-todos $scope)))))

Unfortunately, I was unable to get it to work with anonymous functions (it compiled to CTodoCtrl.remaining = (function CTodoCtrl.remaining() {...):

(aset $scope "remaining" #(...))

This did not work either (I wish it did!):

(defn $scope.remaining [] (...))

Objects, Arrays

I’m not quite happy with the use of objects here – I would definitely prefer to use Clojure maps like this:

; Instead of:
; (def $scope.todos (array (js-obj "text" "learn angular" "done" true)))
; Do:
(def $scope.todos [{:text "learn angular" :done true}])
; Insetad of:
; (into-array (filter #(not (.-done %)) (.-todos scope)))
; Do:
(filter #(not (:done %)) (:todos scope))

Unfortunately, it seems Angular doesn’t like ClojureScript types and vice versa. Looks like a small, fixable annoyance.


It’s still ugly at places and not quite spectacular, but I like using functional programming with ClojureScript instead of JavaScript loops.

I mean replacing this:

var count = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.todos, function(todo) {
  count += todo.done ? 0 : 1;
return count;


(count (filter #(not (.-done %)) (.-todos scope)))

And this:

var oldTodos = $scope.todos;
$scope.todos = [];
angular.forEach(oldTodos, function(todo) {
  if (!todo.done) $scope.todos.push(todo);


(let [arr (into-array (filter #(not (.-done %)) (.-todos scope)))]
      (aset scope "todos" arr))


All in all, I may finally be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Integration with Angular looks very promising, after addressing the small interop glitches with type mapping it may be quite expressive and straightforward. I probably will shelve Knockout for now and explore Angular.

Marrying ClojureScript and JS Frameworks – Knockout Edition

A while ago I began to play with ClojureScript and tried to get it to work with popular frameworks. I played with a few of them, most recently with Knockout.js. This post sums up those efforts and my not-so-optimistic view on ClojureScript.

  • I tried “bare” jQuery. It was pretty smooth.
  • I tried Backbone.js. I got it to work on a simple example, though one reader on Twitter rightfully commented that ClojureScript was hideous. Yes, that Backbone example is hideous. Later on I tried to do something less trivial. Eventually I fled in horror, thanks to impedance mismatch between heavily OO Backbone and non-OO ClojureScript sauced with my ignorance in CLJS (and Backbone).
  • I also gave Angular.js a shot. It started really smooth, because Angular proudly states that it doesn’t rely on object-oriented programming so much. It was great. Right to the moment when I started arguing with the compiler renaming my variables, soon followed by discovery that Angular and Closure are no go.

So, the time has come to another experiment – this time Knockout.js. I followed the official tutorial and here is what I eventually came up with.

The Page

The complete page in Hiccup looks like this. Nothing particularly exciting here.

(defn render-body []
      [:p "First name: " [:strong {:data-bind "text: firstName"} "todo"]]
      [:p "Last name: " [:strong {:data-bind "text: lastName"} "todo"]]
      [:p "Full name: " [:strong {:data-bind "text: fullName"} "todo"]]
      [:p "First name: " [:input {:data-bind "value: firstName"}]]
      [:p "Last name: " [:input {:data-bind "value: lastName"}]]
      [:button {:data-bind "click: capitalizeLastName"} "Go caps"]
      (hp/include-css "css/todo.css")


The most interesting part is the ClojureScript code. Here’s one way to do it:

(ns hello-clojurescript)

(defn app-view-model []
  (this-as this
           (set! (.-firstName this) (.observable js/ko "Bert"))
           (set! (.-lastName this) (.observable js/ko "Bertington"))
             (.-fullName this)
             (.computed js/ko 
               (fn []
                 (str (.firstName this) " " (.lastName this))) this))
             (.-capitalizeLastName this) 
             (fn []
               (.lastName this (-> this .lastName .toUpperCase)))))

(.applyBindings js/ko (app-view-model.))

Yes, I do need to explicitly return “nil” there. Otherwise it returns this.fullName = ..., and that breaks KO.

It works, but it’s hard to defend it in comparison to the JS equivalent:

function AppViewModel() {
    this.firstName = ko.observable("Bert");
    this.lastName = ko.observable("Bertington");
    this.fullName = ko.computed(function() {
        return this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName();    
    }, this);
    this.capitalizeLastName = function() {
        var currentVal = this.lastName();     

ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());

Complete code can be found at my GitHub repository.

Better Way – Macro

This code can be made a lot better with a custom macro, as the one presented at StackOverflow:

(defvar name_model
    first_name (observable "My")
    last_name (observable "Name")
    name (computed (fn [] (str (. this first_name) " " (. this last_name)))))

(. js/ko (applyBindings name_model));

Now, that would be something!

… except for that defining macros in ClojureScript is harder than in plain Clojure, to the point that I haven’t gotten it to work yet.

Conclusions on ClojureScript

I spent quite a few hours poking at ClojureScript, and I have mixed feelings.

  1. It’s pretty hard to get ClojureScript to work with existing JS frameworks, mostly because using objects in CLJS requires so much ceremony.
  2. Contrary to plain Clojure, “fun” and “productive” aren’t the words that come to mind when I think of my adventures in CLJS. “Frustrating” and “intimidating” are much more appropriate. I’m constantly arguing with the compiler and trying to beat it to do the right thing, not having fun solving problems.
  3. Some stuff can be covered with macros, but all in all it feels very… rigid and constraining. I feel like every once in a while I’m bound to hit another rough corner, spend too much time on it, write another macro, and so on. All that only to bridge the gaps and make ClojureScript look more like… JavaScript. In fact, that feels like writing my own layer of macros to compile JS-like-DSL to ClojureScript.
  4. Perhaps there is a better way and I’m just doing something wrong. Maybe you’re not supposed to use those frameworks at all, but roll your own or use those few written in ClojureScript?
  5. Perhaps all of this makes little sense on such a small scale, and you need something really big to appreciate ClojureScript. You just need to invest many hours in passing the learning curve and macroing your way out. Maybe then it becomes more productive, modular and whatnot. I don’t know, in fact I have too little experience in JavaScript itself to answer such questions. I’m not very optimistic about it, though.

I am a DZone Most Valuable Blogger and JavaCodeGeek!

I’m happy to announce that at about the same time I became a DZone Most Valuable Blogger and a JavaCodeGeeks author. Some of my posts have been appearing on various blogs, community sites and aggregators for a while (especially those on Clojure and functional programming), but being invited to participate in something like these two programs is quite a new experience.

Some parts of this blog is ranting and bragging, but the main purpose has always been to learn and share knowledge. I wouldn’t have learned so much without the blog – just getting something to work is a lot easier than understanding it enough to be able to explain it to someone. We all know that the community is quite demanding. I learned the hard way that writing too shallowly, repetitively, or without proper understanding is immediately punished. On the other hand, it’s truly exhilarating to see my post mentioned by people I really admire, or make it to the front page of Hacker News.

The most rewarding part is always the comments. Not only does it mean that someone has visited the site, but also that they actually cared to read the post and share their insights or related knowledge.

Thanks, guys!