Monthly Archives: October 2011

Fill and Print an Array in Clojure

In a post in the “Extreme OO in Practice” series (in Polish), KozioĊ‚ek used the following example: Fill a 3x3x3 matrix with subsequent natural numbers and print it to stdout.

The example in Java is 27 lines of code (if you remove comments). It is later refactored into 55 lines that are supposed to be more readable, but personally I can’t help but gnash my teeth over it.

Anyway, shortly after reading that example, I thought of what it would look like in Clojure. Here it is:

(def array (take 3 (partition 3 (partition 3 (iterate inc 1)))))
(doall (map #(doall (map println %)) array))

That’s it. I know it’s unfair to compare this to Java and say that it’s shorter than your class and main() declaration. But it is, and it makes the full-time Java programmer in me weep. Anyway, I have two observations.

As I like to point out, Java is awfully verbose and unexpressive. Part of the story is strong typing and the nature of imperative programming. But then again, sometimes imperative programming is very clumsy.

Secondly, this solution in Clojure presents a completely different approach to solving the problem. In Java you would declare an array and then iterate over it in nested loops, incrementing the “current value” in every innermost iteration. In Clojure, you start with an infinite sequence of lazy numbers, partition (group) it in blocks (that’s one row), then group those blocks into a 2D array, and take 3 of those 2D blocks as the final 3D matrix. Same thing with printing the array. You don’t iterate over individual cells, but naturally invoke a function on a sequence.

The difference is subtle, but very important. Note how the Java code needed 4 variables for the filling (“current value” and 3 indexes) and 3 indexes for printing. There was a very clear distinction between data and what was happening to it. In Clojure you don’t need to bother with such low-level details. Code is data. Higher-order functions naturally “serve as” data in the first line, and are used to iterate over this data in the second.

Java Does Not Need Closures. Not at All.

I hope that most Java developers are aware of the Swing threading policy. It makes sense, except for that it’s so insanely hard to follow. And if you do follow it, I dare say there is no place with more ridiculous boilerplate.

Here’s two examples that recently got me scratching my head, gnashing my teeth, and eventually weep in disdain.

Case One: Display Download Progress

class Downloader {
    download() {
        while(hasMoreChunks()) {

class ProgressDisplay extends JPanel {
    JLabel label;
    startDownload() {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                label.setText("Download started");
    downloadedBytes(int n) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                label.setText("Downloaded bytes: " + n);
    finishDownload() {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                label.setText("Download finished");

Solution? Easy! Just write your own JLabel wrapper to hide this mess. Then a lengthy JTable utility. Then a JProgressBar wrapper. Then…

Case Two: Persist Component State

Task: Save JTable state to disk. You’ve got to read table state in EDT, but writing to disk from EDT is not the the best idea.


ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

void saveState(final Table table) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            TableColumns state = dumpState(table);
            executor.execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    saveToDisk(table.getTableKey(), state);

Two inner classes, inheritance, all those publics and voids and parentheses. And there is no way to avoid that!

In a sane language, it could look like:

(defn save-state [table]
    (let [state (dump-state table)]
      (future (save-to-disk table state)))))

All semantics. Little ceremony, almost no syntax. If you counted characters in both solutions, I guess the entire second snippet is as long as the first one somewhere to the invocation of invokeLater. Before you get to the actual logic. No strings attached, do-swing and future are provided by the language or “official” utils.

Bottom Line

I recently saw two presentations by Venkat Subramaniam on polyglot programming where he mercilessly made fun of Java. In his (vaguely remembered) words, when you write such code for the whole day, you come back home and weep. You can’t sleep because you’re tormented by the thought of the abomination you created, and that you will have to deal with tomorrow. If your children asked you what do you for living, would like them to see this?

Yaclot 0.1.2: Extended Date Conversions

I released a new version of my Clojure conversion and map transformation library to Clojars. It includes two new features:

1. Added natural conversion between Long and Date.

2. You can pass a collection of formats for converting String to Date. It attempts parsing with each of the formats and returns first result which didn’t throw ParseException.

  (using-format ["yyyy-MM-dd" "M/dd/yy"]
    (to-type java.util.Date)))
; => #<Date Sat Feb 12 00:00:00 CET 2011>
