Monthly Archives: March 2011

“Processing in Clojure” Made Functional

Invited to nitpicking by Jacek Laskowski in his latest post titled Processing in Clojure, I decided to write my own version of his flower-drawing application. I find it an interesting challenge and illustration for my previous post about functional thinking and the use of language and decomposition.

Full source code is below, but let’s start with what I did not like and decided to rewrite.

I find Jacek’s code rather structural and hard to comprehend. Everything happens in one big function and it takes quite a while to understand what it does and how. It’s hard to see why angle is an angle, and variables called a and value don’t make it any easier.

Thus my first two improvements are: Break it down into smaller pieces and use more informative names. For instance, value is in fact scale. I extracted drawing flower to a separate function with clear distinction to drawing petals and the central piece. I also paid more attention to variable names and hid the more complex concepts behind simple, well-named functions.

The second type of improvements is use of functional features. After a while of careful inspection I observed that angle is a simple linear sequence, and scale is result of a simple function on this sequence. I decided to replace it with a dedicated infinite sequence.

In the end, this code is longer and has more levels of abstraction, but I think it’s more functional and comprehensible. Functions are much shorter. Details no longer obscure the view, but are hidden behind more descriptive names. Now you can actually see that the applet’s draw draws a flower which consists of petals and the central piece. The central piece is a simple circle, while petals are several circles of random size and color around the center. Then only if you want you can delve into details of how their color and size are generated.

Like I mentioned in the first paragraph, I find it a nice illustration of what Paul Graham describes as building a language for the solution.

Two Worlds: Functional Thinking after OO

It goes without saying that functional programming is very different from object-oriented. While it may take a while to grasp, it turns out that functional programming can also lead to simpler, more robust, maintainable and testable solutions.

The First Encounter

In his classic “Clean Code” Robert C. Martin describes a great (and widely adopted) way to object oriented programming. He says code should read from top to bottom like prose. Start with the most high-level concepts and break them down into lower-level pieces. Then when you work with such a source file, you may be able to more easily follow the flow and understand how it works.

It occurred to me it’s quite different from how the natural flow of functional programming in Clojure, where typically all users are below their dependencies. I was unsure if (and how) Uncle Bob’s ideas apply on this ground. When I tweeted my doubts, his answer was: “You can forward declare”. I can, but still I was not convinced.

The light dawned when I came across Paul Graham’s essay titled “Programming Bottom-Up”. The way to go in functional programming is bottom-up, not just top-down.

Language for the Problem

Lisp (and Clojure) have minimal syntax. Not much more than parenthesis. When you look at Clojure source, it’s really dense because there is no syntax obscuring the flow. What you can see at the bottom of the file, though, appears to be program in language created just for this problem.

As Paul writes, “you don’t just write your program down toward the language, you also build the language up toward your program. As you’re writing a program you may think +I wish Lisp had such-and-such an operator.+ So you go and write it. Afterward you realize that using the new operator would simplify the design of another part of the program, and so on.”

Simplicity and Abstractness

Ending up with a language tailored for the problem is not the only nice feature of functional programming. Compared to object-oriented, functional code tends to be a lot more abstract. There are no intricate nets of heavy stateful objects that very often can’t talk to each other without adaptation and need a lot of care to weave together.

Data structures are very simple (if not minimalistic), what makes them easy to use with more functions. They also are immutable, so there is no risk of unexpected side effects. On the other hand, because of simplicity of data structures functions turn out to be much more abstract and generic, and hence applicable in broader context. Add closures and higher-order functions and get a very powerful engine with unlimited applications. Think how much you can do with map alone – and why.

Another way to look at code organization is layers or levels of abstraction. In object-oriented, it usually means that a bottom layer consists of objects which provide some functionality to the higher level. Functional programming takes it one step further: “[each layer acts] as a sort of programming language for the one above.” And if there is a need for distinction to layers, it’s only because of levels of abstraction. Much rarelier because of incompatibility and never because of handcuffing encapsulation.

Maintainability and Code Organization

We all know that in object-oriented programming most of the time you should start with the purpose at hand and go for a very concrete, specialized design. “Use before reuse” is the phrase term here. Then, when you need more flexibility you decompose and make the code more abstract. Sometimes it can be a difficult, time-consuming and bug-inducing effort. It’s not the case with functional programming. “Working bottom-up is also the best way to get reusable software. The essence of writing reusable software is to separate the general from the specific, and bottom-up programming inherently creates such a separation.”

Compared to OO, refactoring of functional code is trivial. There is no state, dependencies or interactions to worry about. No way to induce unexpected side effects. Each function is a simple construct with well-defined outcome given the direct input. Thanks to that, it’s also much easier to test (and cover with automated test suites).

The Curse of Structured Programming

Object-oriented originated from structured programming and all developers inevitably have such background. It takes some training to learn how not to write 2,000-line classes and 500-line methods. It takes much more to learn how to avoid inheritance, program to an interface, compose your code of smaller units and cover them (and their interactions) with tests.

There are ways to make object-oriented programs more likely to succeed, have fewer bugs and be more maintainable. A ton of books has been written on this, including but not limited to excellent and invaluable works by Robert C. Martin, Martin Fowler, Eric Evans, and so on, and so forth. That’s a lot of prose! It turns out that object-oriented programming actually is very difficult and needs a lot craftsmanship and attention.

Functional programming is free from many of these issues. What’s more, learning it yields great return to an object-oriented programmer. It can teach you a lot about algebraic thinking, but also breaking code down into smaller pieces, intention-revealing names and interfaces, avoiding side effects and probably many other aspects.

Yaclot 0.1.0 Released (Clojure Conversion and Record Transformation Library)

I released Yaclot 0.1.0 to Clojars. This version can be used to convert single values as well as records.

Converting individual values looks like:

(convert "2011-02-12" (to-type java.util.Date))
; => #<Date Sat Feb 12 00:00:00 CET 2011>

(convert "2/12/11"
    (using-format "M/dd/yy" (to-type java.util.Date)))
; => #<Date Sat Feb 12 00:00:00 CET 2011>

(convert 5000.42 (to-type String (using-format "%,.2f")))
; => "5,000.42"

Order of using-format and to-type doesn’t matter. using-format is optional (default for dates is yyyy-MM-dd).

You can also use it to convert records in a single operation:

  {:dt "2011-02-12" :int 42 :label "Label"}    ; Record
  {:dt  (to-type java.util.Date)               ; Desired types
   :int (to-type String)})
; => {:dt #<Date Sat Feb 12 00:00:00 CET 2011>, :int "42", :label "Label"}

The project originated from a pet web application, where I needed to deal with parsing and formatting numbers and dates between the “presentation”, “business logic” and “database” layers.

To learn more about motivation, features and syntax, take a look at the draft in my previous post.

This version supports conversions between String, Date and numeric types. Next on the road map is exception-free error handling with local bindings and validation.

See also: